From UniTeam’s Rifts to Divided Political Rafts: Power Struggles, Interests and the Turbulent Marcos-Duterte Alliance

In the ever-evolving landscape of Philippine politics, the interplay between the Duterte and Marcos factions has become a focal point of intrigue. Recent developments indicate a shift in the dynamics between these two powerful families, with implications that could reshape the political terrain.

Baste Duterte’s recent public statement wishing to end the row with the Marcoses marks a significant departure from the previously aggressive stance taken by the Duterte camp. This mellowing down comes amidst a backdrop of intense political maneuvering. The Duterte family, led by former President Rodrigo Duterte, had been vocal in their criticism of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. and his administration. Accusations ranged from claims of drug addiction to allegations that First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos (LAM) was the real power behind the throne.

At the heart of this political drama is Vice President Sara Duterte, who stands to benefit the most should President Marcos be forced out of office. The Duterte camp’s push for Marcos’ resignation is seen by many as a strategic move to install Sara Duterte as president, fulfilling a long-held ambition. This power struggle is not just a clash of personalities but a battle for control over the future direction of the country.

Resignations and Realignments

Recent mass resignations from PDP-Laban, the political party of Rodrigo Duterte, underscore the growing rift. Members in Negros and other regions have been resigning en masse, signaling discontent within the ranks. Many of these former PDP-Laban members have taken their oaths with the Partido Federal ng Pilipinas, the political party of President Marcos. This exodus highlights the shifting allegiances and the weakening influence of the Duterte camp.

The influx of officials into the Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP) is a testament to the consolidation of power by President Marcos. In Iloilo alone, 800 officials recently joined PFP, reinforcing Marcos’ base and bolstering his political capital. This move not only strengthens his hold on power but also diminishes the capacity of the Duterte camp to challenge his authority effectively.

The apparent softening of the Duterte rhetoric against the Marcos administration may be a tactical retreat, recognizing the diminishing returns of their aggressive approach. With President Marcos consolidating his power and the defections to PFP, the Duterte camp may be recalibrating their strategy to remain relevant in the shifting political landscape.

However, this delicate dance of power is far from over. The ambitions of Vice President Sara Duterte and the strategic calculations of both camps will continue to shape the narrative. The resilience of the Duterte brand, despite the setbacks, suggests that they will remain a significant force in Philippine politics.


The ongoing saga between the Dutertes and the Marcoses is a testament to the fluid and often unpredictable nature of political alliances in the Philippines. As these two powerhouses navigate their complex relationship, the country watches closely, aware that the outcome of this delicate dance will have far-reaching consequences for the nation’s political future.

In the end, the interplay between the Dutertes and the Marcoses is more than just a power struggle; it is a reflection of the broader challenges and opportunities facing the Philippine political system. Whether this period will lead to a new era of stability or further political fragmentation remains to be seen.

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